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2025 Stormont Vail Grand Rounds

Stormont Vail Health Pozez Education Center in Centennial Room A 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, Kansas

Grand rounds are offered in person at Stormont Vail Hospital Topeka Campus and virtually via Zoom platform. Navigate to for details and zoom links. See all events

Online Childbirth Preparation (March 12, 19, & 26)

Online See event details for more information

Our childbirth classes are taught by experienced educators and are designed to help you and your support person feel more prepared for your labor and delivery experience. Learn about the…


Walk with a Doc: Dr. Robert Ricci, Gastroenterologist

East side of Lee Arena at Washburn University 1901 SW Mulvane St., Topeka, Kansas, United States

Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the United States, but it is highly preventable with screening and highly treatable when caught early. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is the…


Stormont Vail Health Pozez Education Center 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS, United States

Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control—keeping the blood inside the body—is the purpose of STOP…


2025 Stormont Vail Health Bi-State Stroke Consortium Symposium

Navigating the complexities of medical care and coordinating among a diverse healthcare team can be challenging for stroke patients, their families, and providers during the recovery process. As a healthcare professional in stroke care, you can learn how to tackle these challenges and enhance your practice at the 2025 Stormont Vail Health Bi-State Stroke Consortium…

Event Series Mother and Baby

Welcome Baby Class

Stormont Vail Health Pozez Education Center 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS, United States

This class is designed to provide up to date information about newborn care, safe sleep, car seat safety, calming a fussy baby, feedings, and more.  Adjustments to parenthood as well…

Currently full Free

Girl to Woman

Stormont Vail Health Pozez Education Center 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS, United States

  The time in a girls life between the ages of 8-12 is one of physical and emotional changes. This program for girls and their parent will address menstruation and…

RSVP Now $25.00 12 spots left

Welcome Baby Jubilee

Stormont Vail Health Pozez Education Center 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS, United States

Spring is a time of new beginnings, and we’re here to help you bloom into your new journey of parenthood at our Welcome Baby Jubilee event at Stormont Vail Health…

Event Series Matter of Balance: Group B

Matter of Balance: Group B (April 8-May 27, 2025)

Stout Community Resource Center 2303 SW College Ave, Topeka, Kansas, United States

Falls are the leading cause of injury and hospitalization for trauma — as well as trauma-related death — among older adults. If you are 65 or older, have had a fall in the past year, or live alone, this workshop provides information on keeping balance, the causes of falls, and dangers to look out for.…

RSVP Now Free 15 spots left


Stormont Vail Health Pozez Education Center 1500 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS, United States

Minutes count! Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes. That’s why bleeding control—keeping the blood inside the body—is the purpose of STOP THE BLEED® training. The person next to a bleeding victim may very well be the one who’s most likely to save him or her from…

2025 Hall E. Harrison, MD, Cardiovascular Conference

Washburn University Memorial Union 1700 S.W. College Ave., Topeka, Kansas, United States

Healthcare professionals need skills, teamwork, and innovation to manage the complex areas of cardiovascular care and ensure the best outcomes for our patients. The 2025 Hall E. Harrison, MD, Cardiovascular…